Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Going Wild

Image result for Going Wild book

Students, children, and life-long readers,

Lisa McMann is back with another fantasy series to follow her very popular Unwanted series.

Our main character Charlie is making the big move with her family from Chicago to Arizona.  As usual, she is upset and nervous about this big change that is taking place.  Her family is dynamic and setting is changing drastically.  Right before they leave she receives a package with a mysterious bracelet.  Thinking it is from her grandma she thinks nothing of it and puts it on.  Little does she know, that this bracelet carries the powers of five different animals that give her superhuman abilities.
Charlies is faced with many struggles including making new friends, learning the meaning of the bracelet, and finding help on why she has it in the first place, and who sent it.

Can she learn the truth behind the bracelet? Can she learn to master these new abilities without hurting those around her, and before her enemies find her location and work to take back what they feel is there's?

AUTHOR - Lisa McMann

GENRE - Fantasy


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