Thursday, August 31, 2017


Image result for Dragonquest book mull

Students, children, and life-long readers,

It has been awhile since I have been so excited for a book to come out.  I have been in a fantasy rut and needed a top quality fantasy to quench my thirst.  Thank you, Brandon Mull.

First off, if you have not read the Fablehaven series, do that immediately.  It is on my top five fantasy series, and Brandon Mull is my favorite fantasy author.

Kendra and Seth are back, and a new threat has awakened.  After defeating the Demon King, Celebrant, the king of the dragons, is causing problems at the dragon sanctuary.  Their grandfather is worried that the threat of dragons breaking free from the sanctuaries may be a bigger threat than the demons from the first series.  It is not long before Kendra and Seth are asked to join Dragonwatch, a group of warriors and wizards tasked with confining the dragons, and the adventure begins.

There are a number characters that return for minor roles in this secondary Fablehaven series, but the focus again is on Kendra and Seth as they try to prevent the dragons from escaping and reeking havoc on the rest of the planet.

This series will not disappoint, and I enjoyed it so much once I started, I did not put it down until it was finished.  Brandon Mull has struck again with a plot line, setting, conflict, and complex characters that make it hard to stop reading once you are hooked.

AUTHOR: Brandon Mull

GENRE: Fantasy


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