Sunday, October 15, 2017


Image result for horizon book

Students, Children, and Life-Long Readers,

Scott Westerfield introduces a new sci-fi adventure that reminds me of the thrilling TV series LOST.  Our main characters start out on an airplane making their way to a robotics competition in Japan and flying over the Arctic.  Suddenly there is a mysterious issue with the plane and our characters wake up to the wreckage of a plane.  Has the plan the plane crashed???

But there is so much more to question?  Where are all of the other passengers? Everyone has disappeared except for a select few teenagers. And where did they crash?  In a warm and humid tropical jungle.  How did they arrive here when they were flying above the Arctic.

As these children learn about their companions, they realize that this is no ordinary island with the forces of physics being challenged and changed for a rude awakening to our characters. 

This book is filled with mystery as they must decide not only how to survive on their own, but how to learn the truth about their new home.

AUTHOR: Scott Westerfield



Thursday, August 31, 2017


Image result for Dragonquest book mull

Students, children, and life-long readers,

It has been awhile since I have been so excited for a book to come out.  I have been in a fantasy rut and needed a top quality fantasy to quench my thirst.  Thank you, Brandon Mull.

First off, if you have not read the Fablehaven series, do that immediately.  It is on my top five fantasy series, and Brandon Mull is my favorite fantasy author.

Kendra and Seth are back, and a new threat has awakened.  After defeating the Demon King, Celebrant, the king of the dragons, is causing problems at the dragon sanctuary.  Their grandfather is worried that the threat of dragons breaking free from the sanctuaries may be a bigger threat than the demons from the first series.  It is not long before Kendra and Seth are asked to join Dragonwatch, a group of warriors and wizards tasked with confining the dragons, and the adventure begins.

There are a number characters that return for minor roles in this secondary Fablehaven series, but the focus again is on Kendra and Seth as they try to prevent the dragons from escaping and reeking havoc on the rest of the planet.

This series will not disappoint, and I enjoyed it so much once I started, I did not put it down until it was finished.  Brandon Mull has struck again with a plot line, setting, conflict, and complex characters that make it hard to stop reading once you are hooked.

AUTHOR: Brandon Mull

GENRE: Fantasy


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Unwanteds Quest - Dragon Captives

Image result for Unwanted Dragon book

Students, children, and life-long readers,

If you are a student in my classroom, you have heard of one of our favorite fantasy series, The Unwanteds.  Dragon Captives continues with a side series that focuses on Alex's sisters, Fifer and Thisbe.  I encourage you to read the Unwanteds series first to better understand the setting and minor characters throughout the series.  There is an even a villain that makes a return.  You will also be able to see the magical ability of our main characters.

Fifer and Thisbe ar e being prevented from entering Magical training due to their lack of maturity and unspeakable power that they have trouble controlling as you will see in the first chapter.  Alex has them on a short leash.  But when the dragons come in need of help and hold Alex to his promise of magically increasing the size of their wings so they can fly, the twins jump on this opportunity for an adventure and to prove to Alex that they are ready to use their abilities.  The twins are off to an island that has yet to be discovered, and trouble quickly follows them.

There are many favorite characters returning, and new ones that are introduced.  If you enjoyed Unwanteds, you should definitely give this one a try.  And if you are worried that Colby spoiled the ending, don't worry - there is more than meets the eye to the thrilling conclusion of this novel.

AUTHOR: Lisa McMannis

GENRE: Fantasy

Grade Level: 5-8

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Going Wild

Image result for Going Wild book

Students, children, and life-long readers,

Lisa McMann is back with another fantasy series to follow her very popular Unwanted series.

Our main character Charlie is making the big move with her family from Chicago to Arizona.  As usual, she is upset and nervous about this big change that is taking place.  Her family is dynamic and setting is changing drastically.  Right before they leave she receives a package with a mysterious bracelet.  Thinking it is from her grandma she thinks nothing of it and puts it on.  Little does she know, that this bracelet carries the powers of five different animals that give her superhuman abilities.
Charlies is faced with many struggles including making new friends, learning the meaning of the bracelet, and finding help on why she has it in the first place, and who sent it.

Can she learn the truth behind the bracelet? Can she learn to master these new abilities without hurting those around her, and before her enemies find her location and work to take back what they feel is there's?

AUTHOR - Lisa McMann

GENRE - Fantasy


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Going Where Its Dark

Image result for Going Where it is dark book

Students, kids, and life-long readers,

What is your biggest fear?  One of my biggest fears is to be trapped in a small space, and this book opened that fear.  I don't think I will be entering a cave in a long time after reading this adventure about Bucky.

Bucky and his best friend Dave live in the back country of Virgina and have developed a love of exploring caves. Just as Dave is about to move, Bucky discovers a hidden cave that has never been explored called the hole.  With Dave gone, Bucky is risking much to explore it on his own, and he has the summer to figure out how achieve this mission.

But that is not all.  Bucky struggles with a serious stuttering problem that leads to bully issues and worry for the family.  An unexpected connection with Bucky's uncle may be the one who can help Bucky's stuttering in an unsual manner.

This book has many sides plots and great selection of characters that continually interact with Bucky. The writing style of the cave exploration was so vivid that is increased my fear of small spaces and caves.

If you are looking for an adventure book and enjoy the idea of cave exploring this would be a great book for you.

GENRE:  Adventure/Realistic Fiction

AUTHOR: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Save Me a Seat

Image result for save me a seat book

Students, kids, and life-long readers,

By looking at the cover of this book, you may notice the clear separation of two lunches from the cafeteria and two authors.  This leads to the premise of this book with two very different main characters struggling with school, Joe and Ravi.  Ravi has recently moved from India to America due to his father's change of jobs.  Ravi is very intellectual, athletic, and has enjoyed school throughout his life.  But school in America is not going as planned for Ravi; especially with trying to become friends with Dillon who happens to be a bully to Joe. Our other main character Joe struggles with school, especially with reading and reading out loud in class, and with having friends.  To make matters worse, his mother has taken a job in the school cafeteria and cause more problems for Joe.

Joe and Ravi appear to have little in common, but a single mission will bring them together over the course of this crazy week in school.

GENRE: Realistic Fiction

AUTHOR: Sarah Weeks/Gita Varadarajan


Thursday, July 13, 2017


Image result for scourge book

Students, kids, and life-long readers,

What if you were diagnosed with a contagious illness that may spread to your family and friends unless you were to be exiled to island?  Would you go through with it?  How difficult would it be to leave the ones you love, during a time that you need them the most?

This is what our main character faces as she has been diagnosed with the Plague or Scourge and is being sent off with an enemy and her best friend.  Once on the island, they learn that man do not survive, and once you are sent to the infirmary, you may never be seen again. But this plot has more layers as she is part of an unwanted section of society known as the River people.  This faction has been at odds with the more noble section of the city, and this separation will be a turning point in the plot.

Our main character has a very difficult struggle ahead of her, and may even need help from those she does not trust.  But not everything appears s it seems and there are many surprises hidden throughout this book.

GENRE: Adventure

AUTHOR: Jennifer Nielsen