Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Nathan Hales - Hazardous Tales

Kids, Students, and Life-Long Readers,

I have found my new favorite series for learning about history - Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales.  My new task is to collect every copy for my personal library - here I come Amazon.

As I am sure you all know, Nathan Hale was an American spy during the Revolutionary War.  He is known for giving his life for our country and spoke the famous words, "I only regret that I have one life to give for my country."  The premise of each book is Hale is about to be executed by a British soldier and the hangman, but first, they want to hear a story.  This is where Nathan will tell them about a section of history.  I have read the Underground Railroad and World War 1.  Both have been outstanding!

The first reason I love this series is that fact that it is a graphic novel. Loving and understanding history starts with making it visual.  Kids will be drawn to the cartoon, and the comic book feels.  It won't seem like they are reading a history book.  The layout continues to change throughout the book, so it doesn't feel static or lack-luster.  The second reason is the attention to interesting details.  This will not give you a brief overview of the historical context.  Hazardous Tales will answer those questions that you were wondering, and provide the juicy or gross details that we all love.  The final reason is the humor aspect.  The back and forth between are three characters provide a bit of humor to break up the influx of historical context.  I often find myself laughing out loud as I am reading - which may seem odd to be laughing when I am reading about World War 1.

I encourage all readers to give one of these a try - you will not be disappointed, and you can learn a bit of history.


GENRE:  Nonfiction - Graphic Novel


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